Want Some Help?

Balance Body Therapy is an alternative and complimentary health care facility that provides the most intuitive and holistic healing for various aches, pains and medical conditions. Located in Berwyn, IL., Balance Body Therapy serves the southwest Chicagoland and suburbs; Cicero, North Riverside, Stickney, Oak Park, River Forest, Westchester, La Grange, Little Village, and Franklin Park. We are dedicated to helping you heal from injuries caused by automobile accidents, sports injuries, workplace injuries, repetitive motion and poor posture.

Safe, Natural Care for All Ages

We provide safe, natural Naprapathic Care and Massage Therapy for all ages, without harmful drugs or painful surgery.

Our Services

Our natural approach includes the best pain-free non-surgical Naprapathic Care, Massage, Exercise Correction and Rehabilitation, Fertility Assistance, Nutritional Programs to attain greater health, vitality, and happiness, regardless of age, gender, or condition.

Patient Education

The best first step to treating a symptom is learning about the root of the problem, then finding the best solution based on your individual, unique needs. Start with our FREE Health Resources and Patient Education Sections

If you have any questions about how our services can help you, or would like to learn more about Naprapathic Care at Balance Body Therapy, please call me at 708-956-7072 or email me at drdanappointments@gmail.com to make an appointment today!

Want Some Help?

March 2025